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P  r  a  n  d  i  u  m     a  p  p

S i m p l e .   F a s t .   F r i e n d l y .

Introducing the new Prandium App.

Order Online 

    With the new Prandium app, you can now order your favourite Prandium items online! Just click "Add to basket" and follow the payment procedures outlined.

Lightning Fast

Our app is designed to maximise your phones technology, providing lightning fast responses. Now you can get your favourite Prandium products regardless of your internet or phone speed.


Can't Pick Up? No Problems!

With out app, Prandium gives users the option to have their favourite bars or drinks delivered within the Central Auckland zone for no extra cost!*

Utter Compatibility

Prandium's new app is designed to be used anywhere, by anyone and at anytime. Prandium will be avaliable on Tizen OS, iOS, MacOS, Android OS and WatchOS, meaning you can now order without boundaries.


Delivery Guarantee

Prandium guarantees 60 minute deliveries from the time of your delivery confirmation. If your product dosen't arrive before the 60 minute due date, it's free!


Now Accepting Cash

Prandium's delivery service is now accepting cash amounts up to $200.00 NZD! However at this time we are still not accepting credit card payments.



Prandium strives to be as eco-friendly as possible, so you'll probably be greeted by one of Prandium's two red electric Teslas delivery vehicles!


Quality Guarantee

Prandium stands for quality, and we guarantee the quality of your product. As of now, Prandium has produced 847 quality handmade products!


No app? No problem!

Prandium's new app syncs with your My Prandium account, which can be accessed on your computer, phone or device even if you don't have the app installed!


Connect and Track

Our new app allows for you to connect and track your calorie intake when you eat or drink Prandium's products. By logging your daily Prandium intake, our app calculates your calorific intake, which you can sync with Apple Health and Samsung Health.

Prandium Points

You can earn Prandium Points by purchasing Prandium Products from participating retailers or online. You can use these points to win great prizes, free Prandium drinks or a selection of the newest technology on offer.


Watch out!

Prandium's new app supports WatchOS as well as the standard iOS, which means that you can track your calorie count, My Prandium and purchase our products on your Apple watch without even having to take out your phone!


Stay Connected

Our new app allows for you to connect and track your calorie intake when you eat or drink Prandium's products. By logging your daily Prandium intake, our app calculates your calorific intake, which you can sync with Apple Health and Samsung Health.


Follow us!

Follow us on Instagram @prandium_official and tag a photo of you with our product with the hashtag #prandiumofficial and be in to win great prizes and free drinks!

a v a l i a b l e    s o o n !