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h  o  w     i  s     p  r  a  n  d  i  u  m     m  a  d  e  ?

 So, I guess now your asking us, how do we really make Prandium? No, there are no magical fairies or dwarves involved in our process, however, the nature of our ingredients used are far beyond magical.

 You see, we truly care about you guys [yep, you over there], the people we source our raw materials from and we also love the environment [who doesn't?]

 So, follow the journey that your drink took and find out where your Prandium really came from!

S  t  e  p     o  n  e


 As always, our product starts from a 100% natural farm, organic orchard or beekeeper's yard, usually somewhere near you in New Zealand. After all, we want to support you guys and our local businesses!
 All of the produce that is harvested for Prandium is checked and rechecked under our meticulous quality control program, ensuring that only the best of the best gets into your drink, bar or granola.
 If you didn't know already, we're 100% vegan friendly, organic and New Zealand natural, and we hope to be 100% gluten free soon!

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 Forget the petrol chugging delivery vans - our product is carbon neutral - which means that no pollution is created when it is created. Even our electric delivery vehicles provide a greener way for you to indulge.
 Although some of our ingredients are imported from overseas, the pollution caused is cancelled out through our 100% eco-friendly, 100% electric delivery and processing mechanisms.
 We care about the environment probably just as much as, if not more than you guys do, to ensure a #guiltfree breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack.

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 Prandium currently sources its soy and nut-based milks and creams from the Belgian foodstuffs company, Alpro, and the flavouring agents that Prandium uses are also natural, with fresh berries, pods and nuts, along with vegan-friendly natural ingredients, such as fudge, to ensure that the product that Prandium creates is one hundred percent natural and guilt free.
 Prandium’s production is similar to the production of raw soy and nut milks – the raw ingredients, nut milks, come internationally, whilst flavouring agents come from local producers. These ingredients are then placed into a nut milk silo, where they are stored at a controlled temperature. These ingredients are then stored in a refrigerated section; after which they are blended at a high speed precisely with the correct amount of required ingredients.

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 After blending, this raw Prandium is filtered through filters of different filter pore sizes, to eliminate and strain out any possible lumps. This mixture is then pasteurised in a high temperature, high pressure environment to ensure that the drink produced is food safe. After this process, the cleaned and prepared bottles are bought up to a conveyer belt, where they are filled and hermetically sealed. These filled and sealed bottles are then transported to retailers in temperature controlled environments.

a   n   d       t   h   e   n       .   .   .

... i t   g e t s   s h i p p e d   o u t   t o   y o u !

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