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w  h  a  t     a  r  e     w  e  ?

 What are we? Well, Prandium is a meal replacement that strives to replace your meals, both mentally and physically. We understand that food is an essential part of our lives, and although we can live off meal replacements, who wants to? Sure, if your stuck on Mars like Matt Damon, then maybe you'd want something to eat, but then again, eating bland sci-fi style meal replacements 24/7 might make you question your sanity, and how on Earth you made your way onto Mars with a crate of meal replacements in the first place.

 But your not on Mars. That’s where Prandium steps in. We advertise Prandium in a way that relates to you – you can use it as the ultimate hangover food, while taking a shower, when you go into the forest for three days without knowing anything about berries or mushrooms, when you’re watching TV, when you’re hanging on the street corner with your friends, when you’re riding your bike, and when your eating together with your dog. Prandium contains all of the nutrients - all; no more, no less, that your body needs every day. You don’t need to worry about under nutrition, or in our day and age, over nutrition. All you need in 350 mls. Or two bars.

s o   . . .   w h a t ' s   a   m e a l   r e p l a c e m e n t   a g a i n ?


 A meal replacement? A meal replacement is a food substitute aiming to provide 100% of the recommended amounts of each of the vitamins, minerals and macronutrients the body needs to function. Usually, one glass or bottle, around 500 ml bottle replaces one whole meal.

 So, what makes us different from all the other meal replacement companies? Sure, we all look the same from the outside, but as they say, it's what's inside that counts. Want a meal? You'd probably want it to be natural and healthy. So why skip that rule of thumb when it comes to meal replacements  - keep your mana: don't just drink 100% food, drink #100%natural.

 Healthy? Natural? Yep. Healthy? Chocolate? No one has ever seen the words 'chocolate' and 'healthy' used in the same sentence. Nor has anyone in history said that soy milk can be delicious. And surely no one thinks that you can enjoy a tasty, #instaworthy, breakfast on the go, right? Well, with Prandium you can.

 Whether you're a barrister or a barista, Prandium fits into your lifestyle, being a premium meal replacement that frankly puts artificial meal replacements to shame. Using Prandium is like charging your Tesla at a Supercharger - it's appealing, both in the sense that it looks [and if you could eat a Supercharger, tastes] amazing, admittedly, but also because Prandium offers our customers peace of mind surrounding the the environmental implications of our product. Why fill your car up with cheap fuel, or in this case, Huel, when you can do infinitely better?

 With Prandium, don't just get up and go. Get up and run.

C  l  e  a  n  ?     G  r  e  e  n  ?     d  e  l  i  c  i  o  u  s  ?     Y  e  p  !


 Due to a small production line and manufacturing process, Prandium’s quality is unsurpassed, using only 100% natural ingredients sourced from around the world with as little a carbon footprint, at many times carbon neutral, as possible.

 Prandium currently sources its soy and nut-based milks and creams from the Belgian foodstuffs company, Alpro, and the flavouring agents that Prandium uses are also natural, with fresh berries, pods and nuts, along with vegan-friendly natural ingredients, such as fudge, to ensure that the product that Prandium creates is one hundred percent natural and guilt free.

 Prandium’s production is similar to the production of raw soy and nut milks – the raw ingredients, nut milks, come internationally, whilst flavouring agents come from local producers. These ingredients are then placed into a nut milk silo, where they are stored at a controlled temperature. These ingredients are then stored in a refrigerated section; after which they are blended at a high speed precisely with the correct amount of required ingredients.

 After blending, this raw Prandium is filtered through filters of different filter pore sizes, to eliminate and strain out any possible lumps. This mixture is then pasteurised in a high temperature, high pressure environment to ensure that the drink produced is food safe. After this process, the cleaned and prepared bottles are bought up to a conveyer belt, where they are filled and hermetically sealed. These filled and sealed bottles are then transported to retailers in temperature controlled environments.

Sounds good? Well, it tastes better! Come and try for yourself at one of our upcoming markets across Auckland!

P    R    a    n    D    i    u    m

How we came to be.

s e p t e m b e r    2 0 1 6

W e ' r e   b o r n !

Prandium was an idea between three friends, who wanted to be able to enjoy a healthy, natural meal replacement on the go.

M a y   2 0 1 7

P h a s e   1

Prandium's first meal replacement drink is produced with its iconic drop bottle design and its wide range of flavours.

a u g u s t   2 0 1 7

P h a s e     2

Prandium wins the annual Auckland Grammar School Lions Den business competition, providing us with insightful business knowledge.

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d e s i g n i n g    
o u t   o f   t h e   b o x

Prandium's bottle is redesigned into a rounded waterfall design, inspired by the movement of flowing water and minimalist design cues.

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P r a n d i u m   B i t e

Prandium releases their new meal replacement bar, Prandium Bite and Prandium Bite +, which are avaliable here and here.

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f a s t   a s   a   b u l l e t

Prandium's bottle is redesigned yet again into a rounded bullet design - blending in minimalist design elements as well as functionality.

a u g u s t   2 0 1 8

o f f i c i a l   p r o d u c t i o n
b e g i n s 

Official Prandium production begins at the Prandium HQ in Remuera, Auckland, producing Prandium Bite bars as well as Prandium drinks. 

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a p p   r e l e a s e d 

The Prandium App, Prandium's in-house application will be released in December 2018. Click here for more information or click here to pre-order.

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e x p a n s i o n

We hope to expand our flavour as well as product range to cover more delicious organic flavours, as well as create powdered versions.

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f u l l - s c a l e   p r o d u c t i o n

Prandium hopes to achieve full-scale production of its meal replacement product by mid-2020, giving more people a chance to try our wide range of natural products.

o   u   r       a   w   e   s   o   m   e       t   e   a   m

russell lee


garrick chong

Head of Marketing

daniel hu

Chief of Finance


Stay connected!

Follow us on Instagram @prandium_official and tag a photo of you with our product with the hashtag #prandium_official or tag us @prandium_official and be in to win great prizes, free drinks and a chance to be featured on our main page!

o  u  r     p  a  r  t  n  e  r  s


F  O  L  L  O  W     U  S  !